Legal notice

Mentions légales du site Legal notices

1. Présentation of the website :

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 – Law n° 2004-575 of 21st of June 2004 on Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as L.C.E.N.,we inform users and visitors of our website the following legal notices:

Legal notices


2. Legal informations:

Owner status : Company

Préfixe : SAS

Name of the company : EZad

Adress : 116, route d’Espagne – Hélios 4 –  31100 Toulouse

Tel  : +33 5 34 400 111

Company capital :100 000 €

SIRET :  83205265800016

R.C.S. : 832052658

Intra-community VAT number : FR47832052658

Mentions légales

email :

Creator of the website : EZad

In charge of Communication : EZad

Contact the publication manager :

The publication manager is a legal entity

Webmaster : EZad

Contactez the Webmaster :

Web host : 1 and 1

Legal notices

3. Description of services provided : website intends to provide information about all the activities of the company. The website’s owner strives to provide information as detailed as possible.

He cannot be held responsible for any update’s inaccuracies, whether of its own doing or of any third parties providing the information concerned.

Any information suggested on the website is purely indicative, non-exhaustive and is likely to evolve.

Legal notices

4. Intellectual property and counterfeiting :

EZad is the owner of intellectual property rights and use on all elements of the website, such as text, pictures, graphics.

Any full or partial reproduction, modification, publication or adaptation of these elements, whatever the method is used, is prohibited. Except by sending prior written authorisation to:

Any unauthorised exploitation of the website or any of these elements it contains will be considered as constituting a counterfeiting and will be sued according to the provisions of the Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual property code.

Legal notices

5. Hyperlinks and cookies :

The user is informed that while surfing on, one or several cookies might be automatically installed on his computer.
A cookie cannot identify the user; however, it can store information about the browsing.

These data helps later browsing along, et allow various measures of trafic.

Configuring the browsing software helps to detect cookies and possibly to refuse them (see detailed process on
Refusing to use a cookie may make it impossible to access some services.

However, the user may configure his computer so that cookies can be systematically refused. 
Using Internet Explorer: tool tab / Internet options. Click on “Privacy” and choose “Block all cookies”. Click on Ok to validate

Legal notices

6. Protection of property and people

User: Internet user surfing on the aforementioned website

In France, personal data are particularly protected by the law n° 78-87 of 6 of January 1978, Law n° 2004-801 of 6 of August 2004, the Article L. 226-13 from the Penal Code and the European Directive of 24 october 1995

On, the owner collect personal information regarding the user only for the use of some services the website offers.
The user gives information knowingly, especially when he types them himself. Then, the user is told if it is mandatory or not to give the information.

Legal notices

7. Management of personal data

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 38 et seq of Law 78-17 of 6 of January 1978 regarding Data, files and freedoms, all users have the right to access, to correct, to delete and to forbid any use of his personal data.

To exercise your right, send an email to the webmaster or a mail (a signed letter and a copy of your ID card enclosed). Do not forget to give us the proper post address for the answer.

No EZad website user’s personal data is published, traded, transferred, assigned or sold on any third parties’ kind of material, unknown to the user.

Only the assumption of redemption of the website to the owner of the website and its rights would allow the handover of such information to the potential purchaser who would then be given the same obligation about storing and modifying data regarding the user of the site
Law of 1st of July 1998 transposing Directive 96/9 of 11th of March 1996 on the legal protection of databases, protects the databases.